Many months had passed since I wrote the preface on 1.11.11 and whilst things never happen as fast as I would like, they were definitely happening. I continued to work in the corporate world but my 'secret' life was picking up pace. A number of months later I went on a one day pig farming course up near Windsor, the point of this was to see wether a pig farm really was the way ahead for me. I had no doubts, it was a success. Having not been scared by a 250kg sow (female breeding pig) standing on my foot, the search for the farm moved forward, slowly....
Its been nearly three years since that first post from high in the sky. On the 1.11.13 Claire and I will be moving to Manakau and the farm. It has been a dream in the making for many years and now its almost here. I have to admit I am a little scared because we have lots of land but only a short amount of time to get it making money. I'm not short of ideas (feel free to provide any of your own ideas in the comments below), I have always been good at the ideas but the execution will be tricky because I have a lot to learn although at last count I have four books on pig keeping, three on sustainability on a smallholding and another three on building farm building (not to mention the many books on cooking, curing and cheese making.)
I have never really been into blogs, I don't expect anyone else to be either. I have two reasons for writing this blog, this blog exists because 1) ALL of my friends and family live overseas and I'd like them to know what I get up too and 2) a cathartic exercise designed to help me to remember the mistakes I make on the way and to overcome any embarrassment I might have as a beginning farmer by broadcasting my failures to the world. I suppose its also a vain attempt at getting some free advice too.
Thanks for reading and lets got on with the farming...