This week has been mostly a physical week with things needing lifting, carrying and towing. Lets start with the most important matter, the pigs, those of you who want to know how the pigs are getting on and are worried about their eating habits, I can confirm that they are getting on very well and I swear they are growing in size by the day. They have basically decimated the grass in the small Transit paddock they are currently in and have taken to their new diet of Sharpe's Multifeed, Korker Porker and leftover vegetables, from a local veg shop, with relish. My spreadsheet is also coming along nicely and for those of you interested in the wonderful world of Excel charts then this is a real corker (pun intended):
[caption id="attachment_225" align="aligncenter" width="890"]
The amount left over before each meal is dropping and to compensate I am starting to feed more.[/caption]
Claire and I stocked up on both types of feed this week and I now have a shed full of bags of lovely pig feed just in time for Xmas. The Korker Porker contains lots of dried vegetables like corn and peas along with crushed grains so I have to soak it before feeding, as always this meant more purchasing and this time it was the warehouse that came to the rescue with 12 buckets at just $1.40 each - however there was a catch as the colour is questionable...
[gallery columns="2" ids="226,227"]
So having sorted the food it was time to resolve the water issue. I have decided to go with troughs not connected permanently to our house water tank (in case the pigs knock them over and release a flood of 30,000 litres) so I bought five 80L concrete pig troughs online for the princely sum of $75 each and this week I arranged to collect them from Fielding. All was going well and Fergusson Concrete had made me 5 lovely troughs, the guys at the plant loaded them onto the back of the Ute and I was pleased to find they all fitted, meaning only one trip. On the way back it dawned on me that these five troughs were very heavy and unless I could find someone to help get them out the back of the Ute then that would be their final resting place. Claire was out of the question and people are not queuing around the corner to help me lift heavy items out of my car so once again Reuben came to the rescue and the next morning we were grunting and groaning as we lifted the troughs one by one into the paddocks.
With another couple of feed stations completed I now have two larger paddocks ready and waiting for the pigs to be split into male and female and frogmarched up the roadway from the transit paddock to their new homes in the arcs. More on this to follow.

LOL, I guess you could argue that pink is a perfect colour for pigs buckets :-)
We have a local organic farm called the ‘Pink Pig’ (and yes they do farm pigs and sell pork).
LOL, I guess you could argue that pink is a perfect colour for pigs buckets :-)
We have a local organic farm called the ‘Pink Pig’ (and yes they do farm pigs and sell pork).
Yes I guess pig is perfect (at least for the sows, the boars are a little embarrassed)
Yes I guess pig is perfect (at least for the sows, the boars are a little embarrassed)