The Fresh Factor
Having an order cut-off time (12 pm Monday) and a set delivery day, it allows us to accurately forecast what is needed for the week and process accordingly. This ensures extreme freshness whilst minimizing waste and reliance on a freezer.
Everything Begins With An Idea

As well as being 100% free range, we try our best to be as sustainable as possible. We have implement sustainable solutions across our entire supply chain from the farming to packaging. We are committed to continuously improving our processes and offsetting carbon where possible.
Country Calendar
Woody's Free Range was featured on the iconic TV show Country Calendar. We discuss why we farmed the way we did and what we believe in. A lot has changed since 2015 although our mission has not. Click on the video to watch or the button below to see our range of 100% NZ Free Range products.
I use Woodys Free Range pork because the quality and flavour of the meat is unparalleled in New Zealand and I like the ethos behind how the animals are raised and prepared in the butchery.
We source all our Pork from Woodys because it's the best product around and is right in line with our values. Daniel and the team are amazing to work with. We use primarily Pork Shoulder and rolled mini Hams for Vietnamese rice bowls and Banh Mi in our restaurant and food truck, highly recommended!
Knowing exactly where our meat came from and how the animal was raised is paramount to our business, and Woody’s delivers just that.
Before we opened our doors in Auckland we knew we only wanted to work with the highest welfare suppliers in NZ. Daniel and his team at Woody's fit the bill perfectly and we've been working with them since day 1. They produce some of the tastiest ethically and sustainably reared pork products around.
100% Quality over quantity. Woody's heritage pork simply just taste better. We are blessed to have this amazing tasty stuff 2 hours away from our production kitchen. You will never go back to the watery version of imported cage pork ever again!
Vinci’s has a firm belief in using only free range meats. The quality at Woody’s is amazing and Dan is always helpful with trying out new ideas and product.
Featured Free Range

Back Bacon
pay over time.
Back Bacon
1 pack
142 Hokio Sand Road
Hokio Beach 5571
New Zealand